Untitled COSMOS I, 2017, charcoal, graphite, 37.1 gram Russian Sikhote-Alin meteorite (fell 1947), 20-20,000Hz Plasma Wave vibrations recorded by NASA voyager, INJUN1, ISEE1, and HAWKEYE space probes of planetary sounds, and microphotographs of meteorites – These are automatic drawings produced by playing space sounds vibrating a piece of plexiglass and causing a meteorite to dance around in a pile of graphite, charcoal, and meteorite dust in response to the sounds.
Untitled COSMOS II, 2017, charcoal, graphite, 25.6 gram Canyon Diablo meteorite (first discovered 1891), 20-20,000Hz Plasma Wave vibrations recorded by NASA voyager, INJUN1, ISEE1, and HAWKEYE space probes of planetary sounds, and microphotographs of meteorites – These are automatic drawings produced by playing space sounds vibrating a piece of plexiglass and causing a meteorite to dance around in a pile of graphite, charcoal, and meteorite dust in response to the sounds.
Untitled COSMOS III, 2017, charcoal, graphite, 37 gram Argentinian Camp del Cielo meteorite (first discovered 1576), 20-20,000Hz Plasma Wave vibrations recorded by NASA voyager, INJUN1, ISEE1, and HAWKEYE space probes of planetary sounds, and microphotographs of meteorites – These are automatic drawings produced by playing space sounds vibrating a piece of plexiglass and causing a meteorite to dance around in a pile of graphite, charcoal, and meteorite dust in response to the sounds.
charcoal, graphite, 25.6 gram Canyon Diablo meteorite (first discovered 1891), 20-20,000Hz Plasma Wave vibrations recorded by NASA voyager, INJUN1, ISEE1, and HAWKEYE space probes of planetary sounds, and microphotographs of meteorites – These are automatic drawings produced by playing space sounds vibrating a piece of plexiglass and causing a meteorite to dance around in a pile of graphite, charcoal, and meteorite dust in response to the sounds.